Wadaag Microfinance (Wadaag MFI) is a subsidiary company of Wadaag Group Licenced by the Central Bank of Somaliland.  Wadaag micro finance service is of international standard level and is government accredited microfinance company in horn of africa.

One of Wadaag MFI’s most important goals is to provide financial services that meet the needs of clients with limited income. These include owners of micro and small businesses and small scale traders and stall owners who are supported in starting their own businesses and create self-employment opportunities in a manner that intersects with the company’s interest by arriving at creating a better economic, social and educational environment for the members of the local community, which will reflect positively on the level of prosperity and welfare of the community.

Wadaag Microfinance provides specially designed range of savings and lending services to horn of africa residents who do not have access to mainstream banking services. WMF focuses on Client satisfaction by offering high value of services. All products and services are Sharia compliant, competitively priced and its customer services is recognized as the best microfinance institutions in Somaliland.

Wadaag Microfinance Company comes in aspiration of Wadaag Investment’s strategy to support economic activity in horn of africa, and to strengthen the development strategy that Somaliland and generally horn of africa seeks to achieve at all levels, while endeavoring to deliver its services to all economic sectors operating in the micro and small businesses in horn of africa.


Our Vision

To be a pioneer Islamic microfinance institution that contributes to economic and social development and improves the standard of living of the local community by enabling them to establish and develop their projects.

Our Mission

To Provide responsible and innovative financial and non-financial services to individuals to help and empower them grow their own businesses and achieve a better quality of life through interest-free microfinance.

Our Objective


  To develop and sustain a social system based on mutual support where each individual lives a life full of respect and dignity.

  To bring positive behavior change among community through awareness programs in relation to access to finances, health, education and other social issues.

  To encourage and facilitate the vulnerable segments of society to participate in decision making process of the financial issues affecting their lives.

  To facilitate community, especially women and young entrepreneurs, to start income generation activities through provision of micro credit facilities, training and market linkages.




Corporate Values


To Pursue excellence in performance, WMC complies with a set of core corporate values which are

  1. Sharia compliance in delivering products based on Islamic sharia.
  2. Excellence in customer service.
  3. Dealing with transparency, inclusivity, fairness, and respect
  4. Providing high-quality services.
  5. Leadership and creativity.

It’s more than just Generating ways of financing

“We Connect with People”
